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School Safety Plan

(Analyzing Safety Plan)

Dec 29, 2023


ELCC 1.4: Candidates understand and can evaluate school progress and revise school plans supported by school stakeholders.

ELCC 1.4, which focuses on candidates understanding and evaluating school progress while revising school plans with the support of school stakeholders, aligns seamlessly with the activity of monitoring the success of the School Safety Plan. In assessing the effectiveness of the safety plan, candidates equipped with ELCC 1.4 skills can engage with various stakeholders to gather insights, assess the plan's impact on school safety, and evaluate its overall progress. The ability to collaborate with stakeholders ensures a comprehensive perspective, enabling candidates to make informed recommendations for adjustments or strategic directions for the upcoming year. This alignment underscores the importance of incorporating leadership and collaboration skills, as outlined in ELCC 1.4, in practical scenarios like monitoring and refining safety plans to enhance the overall well-being of the school community.

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