Vision and Philosophy
Feb 15, 2023
ELCC 1.1: Candidates understand and can collaboratively develop, articulate, implement, and steward a shared vision of learning for a school.
Leadership requires leading by example, with perseverance as the only limit to our goals. Trust is fundamental to building constituency, as others need to have confidence in your decision-making abilities, with their best interests in mind. Standard ELCC 1.1 emphasizes the importance of collaborative development, implementation, and stewardship of a shared learning vision for a school. A plan developed with input from faculty and staff allows for accountability and buy-in from all stakeholders, creating a safe and understanding environment that extends to students. Collaborative behavior should be encouraged and modeled at all times, with a servant leadership mindset that prioritizes open communication and a sense of ownership among team members. Although there may be those who question motives, effective leaders are moving away from transactional leadership roles that rely on give and take, as this approach can lead to losing sight of the team's focus and attempting to bribe others to achieve desired outcomes.